Monday, 24 November 2014

Art through Microsoft Excel

Tatsuo Horiuchi- a Japanese man at 74 years old that turned the perception of Microsoft Excel being the program that makes graphs and charts into a very artsy program. 

He had also won international competitions such as the Excel Autoshape Art Contest in 2006. Say what? Yeah, this is actually a real thing.

I would agree with anyone that say that creativity just passed its 'baby beginner' level to a whole new level. If anyone tried doing this, do contact us, so that we can feature you in our art page.

Saturday, 1 November 2014

Bottles, Bottles...Plastic Bottles

Bottles, bottles , bottles , bottles.....
(yes this post is going to be about bottles...JK :)

Plastic Bottles can be used for many things if you turn it into something useful such as 
pencil holders, decorations or even more crafty objects.
As I was 'surfing' the internet I stumbled upon this amazing invention

(Watch the video below to find out)

An engineer from Saint Petersburg, Russia created a contraption that converts plastic bottles into usable strands of string. 

I bet after you watch this video, you would either think, 'oh cool' or 'nice invention bro' or just close the tab and move on to another website. Small inventions like this can become very useful in the future and can stop the problem of littering. I'm not trying to lecture and turn all  'Eco friendly' on your ass, but we can all agree that in 20 years time, it would be nice to walk on a litter free side walk and swim in the ocean without spotting a plastic bottle floating by. 

I mean did you guys hear about the 'Great Pacific Garbage Patch'? It's a massive collection of trash from all over the world that floats on the ocean. Scientists has estimated that it's size is as two time bigger than Texas....TEXAS! Sure it would be cool to create an island made out of garbage but is that really going to help us in the future? Do you really want us turn into the movie Wall-E where we turn into chubby people riding chairs that I bet have a built in toilet seat....

Anyways, what I was trying to say is to try to care more about the environment ....because where are we going to live on other than our beloved planet we call 'Earth'? Sure scientist are trying to find planets from other galaxies that have similar features as earth so when we outlive this place we have somewhere to escape to. Sure it's safe to have a back up plan but we shouldn't be finding an escape route when we can solve this issue on our own. 

It's easy...take the empty bottle if you are planning to throw it away and take a short trip to the recycling bin and drop it in. It benefits the environment, stops animals from choking on bottle caps and might even help you lose a couple and in result--a great ass.

Just saying~ we should be more aware of what happening to our environment :)

Monday, 27 October 2014

Light Painting Photography

 Hello there, this will be a fun post. I promise.

'Explosive Fireworks light painting' by Pala Teth

If you go to Light Painting Photography, you will encounter amazing light painting collections from different artists. The winner for the August 2014 award goes to Pala Teth. The picture above is the winning photo, 'explosive fireworks light painting' in 30 seconds. A tip that was given from him was: "Don't do this at home!"

Other works by Pala Teth:

Trust me, he is pretty cool.
 Check out more of his work: click here

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Ingredients of life

Hello, this would probably be our first serious post

Recently, I have been thinking about the determinants for a merry life. Everyone has their own pizza dough as a base, and obviously their own choice of toppings. You have your own transport to anything you want to do, that is your body. Opportunities are the toppings you choose, put whatever that you feel like you need or want to be.

These are the ingredients that I found to be essentials to put a smile on your face:
  • Your super cool open mind to choose the path you want to take

  • Family to always stay by your side

  • Friends (choose carefully, you don't want your life to be too spicy)

  • Food and water to help you stay alive (of course)

  • Belief and faith to keep you going, especially obstacles in life

  • The ability to APPRECIATE! Nowadays, our society is lacking this particular ingredients. I am truly saddened to realize this. I think people should be more aware that there are others, just like us, that would kill to have anything we already have. A simple example would be: FOOD and DRINKS. Watching videos on Youtube seeing people doing challenges wasting eggs, chocolate, and even WATER. Like... what? please tell me why?
You are doing all this just to feed your viewers? feed them with what? your laughter?
Okay, it is fine to make people laugh. But, you could have done that by making people smile maybe? Come on, there is just 805 million people in the world that do not have enough food to live a healthy active life right?

I know, we always want more. better. funnier. I know that not all of us are like that. :)

But, before you whine and complain, try to see the "positive side". Trust me, we'll live better becauseeeee we'll feel more pleasant. Think before you do ....stuff. 'The grass is always greener on the other side' ? nu-uh.

For now, I'll leave you with that thought right there... cause I want to grab something to eat. Hehehe

The 1 minute painting

We would like to share this short clip of:
"The one minute painter" by Brandon Mcconnell 

He is known for his fast street 
spray paintings and I think 
that he is a pretty cool 
street artist.

Known as: Space painter

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

First thing you have to read

On this blog, you will encounter the cruelest yet the utmost honest opinions from two delightful human beings ("us") living in a universe full of errors and phenomena. The world is full of selfish, obnoxious, and unpleasant people that we don’t give a single fuck about and yet we still have to get through to these people with a smile on our face. (Just our opinions guys)

Don't get us wrong, we LOVE the world! Living on this planet gives us the opportunity to experience every single moment we have gone through. Yes, life is difficult sometimes but as people always will say "EVERYTHING WILL BE ALRIGHT"... Many people have tried to fix and restore the humanity, it's shown all over the news! Extra point: There are nice people out there...(they are just hiding) in this messed up world. ;)

We are just like you, bored but filled with different views of the world and here to share and blog things that help us go through the rough and hard times and enjoy the little things.

We love you for reading!

We want to put a slogan here, but we don't have one yet...