Saturday, 1 November 2014

Bottles, Bottles...Plastic Bottles

Bottles, bottles , bottles , bottles.....
(yes this post is going to be about bottles...JK :)

Plastic Bottles can be used for many things if you turn it into something useful such as 
pencil holders, decorations or even more crafty objects.
As I was 'surfing' the internet I stumbled upon this amazing invention

(Watch the video below to find out)

An engineer from Saint Petersburg, Russia created a contraption that converts plastic bottles into usable strands of string. 

I bet after you watch this video, you would either think, 'oh cool' or 'nice invention bro' or just close the tab and move on to another website. Small inventions like this can become very useful in the future and can stop the problem of littering. I'm not trying to lecture and turn all  'Eco friendly' on your ass, but we can all agree that in 20 years time, it would be nice to walk on a litter free side walk and swim in the ocean without spotting a plastic bottle floating by. 

I mean did you guys hear about the 'Great Pacific Garbage Patch'? It's a massive collection of trash from all over the world that floats on the ocean. Scientists has estimated that it's size is as two time bigger than Texas....TEXAS! Sure it would be cool to create an island made out of garbage but is that really going to help us in the future? Do you really want us turn into the movie Wall-E where we turn into chubby people riding chairs that I bet have a built in toilet seat....

Anyways, what I was trying to say is to try to care more about the environment ....because where are we going to live on other than our beloved planet we call 'Earth'? Sure scientist are trying to find planets from other galaxies that have similar features as earth so when we outlive this place we have somewhere to escape to. Sure it's safe to have a back up plan but we shouldn't be finding an escape route when we can solve this issue on our own. 

It's easy...take the empty bottle if you are planning to throw it away and take a short trip to the recycling bin and drop it in. It benefits the environment, stops animals from choking on bottle caps and might even help you lose a couple and in result--a great ass.

Just saying~ we should be more aware of what happening to our environment :)

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